Sunday, May 3, 2009

Thick dense fog

It was raining when we woke up today so we couldn’t walk around downtown like we had planned. Instead we decided to do some drive by tourism. We saw huge old fashioned advertising painted on the side of a brick building, and an old bank, solid and majestic.

Then we stopped at a small fountain where the water comes out of a dog’s mouth. Legend says that whomever drinks from this fountain will return to Roanoke or never leave. Bernie decided to get a drink.

Downtown was almost empty and the market place was dead. Either everything here is closed on Sundays or the rain kept people away.

We got on the Parkway again and a little while later we hit very dense fog. We could not see even ten feet ahead. We drove very slowly hoping it would lift. However our hopes were dashed and we left the Parkway when we could.

From there we went to see Foamhenge in Natural Bridge VA. Foamhenge is free and pretty cool. It is a full size replica of Stonehenge in England, but done in big foam boulders. It was raining and we didn't get to go explore but we were glad we got to see it.

Then we continued to a Walmart in Lexington VA to get milk and water. Next we found the Books A Million in Waynesboro VA so we could use their wi-fi because Mar needs to turn grades in for her classes.

However, this store is brand new and they don’t have wi-fi yet. They told us the hotel next door has wi-fi so we went there to spend the night in their parking lot.

We still have eggs from the chicken farm so Bernie made pancakes with eggs Benedict for dinner. This was Bernie’s first time making Hollandaise sauce and it was delicious. We love having breakfast for dinner.

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