Tuesday, April 14, 2009

In your marks, get set ...

Bernie took a look at what was left on the honey do list and decided she could finish it all up today. She was busy all day outside in the yard, and also inside, fixing a few things.

Mar borrowed the car to run some errands and to go to the dentist for her cleaning. It wasn't easy, but she finally found the one dentist in Austin who had an appointment available on short notice.

The office of Dr. Barry Bowden has a lovely flower mural on the outside which made it easier to find. Dr. Bowden did the cleaning himself and said he liked the idea of working on the road and living in an RV so much that it made him jealous! www.barrybowdendds.com

Back at home Mar did the laundry while Bernie finished up the last of the honey do list. We still have some packing and a few other things to do tomorrow, but if we can get it all done, we will be leaving town tomorrow. At least that's the plan ...

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