Saturday, November 15, 2008

Food and more food

We woke up in the parking lot of the I-X Center and the weather was awful. It was cold, it was raining sideways, and there was a lot of wind, Bella was rocking from side to side.

When the rain and wind finally slowed down so that we wouldn’t get soaked or blown away while crossing the parking lot, we went inside and got right to it, eating that is. There were so many different types of food to taste, this was really fun and it was all so good. We tasted several types of salsa, chili, cheese, dips, sauces, chips, breads, soups, cookies, rice, pasta, sausages, prime rib, fish, and several desserts.

We had only finished up two aisles when it was time for the cooking show we had tickets for. There were several food stars and we decided to see Curtis Stone, from the Take Home Chef show on TLC. He was hilarious and cooked some great, simple recipes: parmesan crisp salad, roasted chicken, and chocolate body paints. He was so entertaining we were still laughing as we left.

Then we finished walking through the food show, it took us about two hours, and when we were done we were stuffed. Before we left we had to get ready to brave the cold. The temperature was supposed to drop another 20 degrees this afternoon so we brought extra clothes in our bag. First we headed to the bathroom to add all our layers and then went out into the freezing rain, yes, it was still raining.

Once in Bella we had to decide what to do next since we hadn’t made definite plans because of the weather. There was hardly any wind and it was only raining lightly so we decided to keep going. We called a new online friend in Erie PA. Andrea had offered us a place to park so we called to see if it would be ok to get there a little later tonight. She was up for it so we drove to her place and she had baked brownies for us. We visited and kept Andrea up way past her bedtime. Shame on us. We night owls forget about that sometimes …

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